Sunday, August 26, 2007

Week 1 - Thing #1 Lifelong Learning

After attending Maeve's professional development session on 'Making the most of Wikis and Blogs', I decided to take the plunge and make the time to participate in her '23 things @ Central' online course. However, for me it is likely to be '23 things from Home' as working part time doesn't allow for much extra things at work!

Viewed the 7 & 1/2 habits online tutorial and liked the phrase 'view problems as challenges - as something you can learn from'. Overall, thought it was a great presentation.

1 comment:

Maeve said...

Good to see your blog here. Remember to label each entry in your blog in the following way: Week 1, Exercise or Thing #1, subject. This can all be in the Subject line, not the body of the post.